Today was a whirlwind of activity.
By 9 a.m. this morning I had:
watered the flowers, and tomatoes
cleaned up doggie land mines from the backyard
answered several emails
harassed my daughter
took a furniture redo order
had my morning cup of chai
cleaned up the kitchen
made my bed
consulted with the patio door glass replacement guy
brushed my teeth
put my clothes on
did minimal summertime hair and make up
then tapped my toes for 10 minutes waiting for 9 a.m. to come.
My daughter was cracking up because she knows the drill.
I always start out my summers this way.
I have every intention of being lazy and just kicking back.
"Do you think I need medication for my ADD???"
"No, Mom. You are endlessly entertaining."
Well, 9 a.m. finally came and I was out the door like a cannon ball shot out of a cannon.
My first stop was a local thrift store, Savers.
I love cruising the thrift stores. Inevitably I find the coolest things.
Today was a one stop shopping experience.
I found wine glasses that don't have the stems
a I don't even know what this thing is called,
but I had to have it.
It is some kind of fruit holder I suspect.
Creme ceramic, with gold borders, on a pedestal.
It is on my dining room table
holding a small ficus plant.
It is kewl.
But the KEWELST thing though was meeting Charleen.
I stopped my insanity long enough to eat lunch at a Chinese buffet.
I sat down, grabbed a plate, okay maybe two
cruised the line,
grabbed the grub
then sat down to shovel it all into my mouth.
When I came to my senses after about the first platefull,
I noticed the most lovely tattoos on a young woman sitting in front of me.
I tried not to be too conspicuous when I was staring at the lovely green swirls on her back.
You can see why I might be distracted.
I started thinking I should take a picture of it.
Then I got scared because I don't quite know how to approach her.
Do I just take the pic and hope the guy she is lunching with doesn't catch me?
My phone camera makes a shutter sound when I take a pic.
That won't work.
What if I get caught?
Are there laws governing such public picture taking?
I have no clue.
So I just decide to ask her if I could please take a picture of her back.
"Ummm, excuse me. My name is Sharon.
I write a daily blog.
I noticed your tattoos.
Would you mind if I take a picture of your back?"
"Are you going to write anything mean?"
"Absolutely NOT. I promise. They are lovely."
The young man at the table declined to be in the pic.
No problem.
I take a picture of her back.
Then show it to her.
All is well, except I am suddenly sad because the front tattoos are just as beautiful.
"Could I possibly have a picture of them too?
Smile that cute little pixie smile you have."
"Okay, you can take a picture, but not of my face," the young man at the table says.
"Here let's hold hands."
They were so cute. Two young people having lunch,
sharing their day,
like dear friends do.
I promised them both I would send a link to my post,
so they could make sure I didn't say anything mean.
Who could say anything mean about two such lovelies?
Not me.
Thanks for brightening my day,
and reminding me how fun it is to be young,
and free enough
to paint yourself
in any color you choose.
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