Monday, June 13, 2011

Here We Go

Several months ago while surfing the net for new blogs to read, I found this one
I have been following the three women and their daily posts ever since.
I love reading about their lives.
Sometimes I wonder why I am so fascinated with reading about women whom
I will probably never meet.

I admit I have copied their format. Girls, will you forgive me?

I did find out who Patti Digh is, and ordered some of her books.
I read one, Life is a Verb.
I guess I am a slacker because a few weeks back, I opened the blog for the day.
Surprise! There was a picture of Patti with a friend of mine, Tammy.

My immediate reaction was to feel somehow cheated. I wanted to meet Patti too.

The past several months have been a blur for me.

 Finally, the sun is here to stay, hopefully. I am newly energized.
For the past several days, I have been busily planting flowers. Lots of them.
I am never happier than when I have dirt under my fingernails, and sweat running in rivulets down my back.

I have bid Adieu to my old blog

Funny how the final post seems so gruesome. Prophetic.
Not in a literal way, but figuratively. 
The prompt came from another blog I follow, and sometimes make contributions
I love to free write using Willow's picture prompts. 
I enjoy reading other author's responses to the prompts, but only after I have written my own.
I never read another author's submission first.

Right after the Murderess post, life got very difficult for me.
I quit writing.
I would still go to my monthly writer's meetings, but could not generate anything new to share.

So let's get back to the reason for this new blog.

I woke up after a week of packing and moving boxes (my school is moving AGAIN).
I basked in glorious sunshine, I planted my favorite posies, and said goodbye to students.
I thought to myself, I need a fresh start.

So here it is.

If it works for Patti, Amy and Kathryn
maybe it will work for me too.

One A Day
One picture, one thought.
Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck Sparkly Girl!

    So good to see you in my inbox <3
