Another al fresco lunch today.
I feel like a little girl
playing Tea Party.
Tammy and I have had this date set aside for a while now.
I find that if I don't actually schedule something during the summer,
I will float, and float, and float away,
all the precious hours of the day.
Then at the end of the summer I will inevitably lament,
I wanted to have lunch with so and so,
I wanted to go there with her,
I wanted to do this with so and so.
And so it will go.
But things are different this summer.
I have a few things scheduled now.
The floating is under control,
or so I think.
I want to get back to lunch with Tammy.
She is a writer friend of mine.
You remember her from the picture with Patti Digh?
and the huge brain fart I had?
and about who introduced Patti and her blog to whom?
Anyway, Tammy and I had lunch today.
It has been quite a while since I saw her in person because she is such a busy little beaver.
Yeah, well, pun intended!!!!
Tammy is a single momma to a lively young man,
she works full time, sleeps little
is going back to school to get her teacher's certification.
I fear I might be responsible for warning her off teaching.
I hope not.
I think she will make a fine teacher.
We need more like her in the trenches.
It's just that, well, the climate for classroom teachers right now isn't the best.
The budget sucks,
and everyone has an opinion on how to do the job better.
After all, everyone has been in school.
That makes them experts.
Teachers are tired of being the whipping boy for why Johnny
can't read,
or do math,
or think scientifically,
or remember which Roosevelt was responsible for getting the country out of the first financial mess
we got ourselves into.
Right now it seems like a tidal wave of woe
is washing over us.
I guess we should have navigated the conversation to lighter topics like,
"Gee isn't that bird beautiful?"
"What kind of plant is that one?"
It really wasn't an option.
No, we HAD to talk about the state of education right now.
I don't believe in putting my head in the sand,
and pretending shit ain't happening.
Because it is.
It really, really IS.
that isn't all that is happening.
There are good things happening too.
I just can't remember too many of them right now
because I have early summer vacation breakitis.
Somewhere around August,
I will awaken from my self imposed state of amnesia,
and begin feverishly planning for my next school year.
That's when Tammy and I will do lunch again.
I am sure the excitement of the coming school year will liven up the atmosphere.
I can see myself acting just like those birds at the feeder in my backyard.
Hey, move over man, that one is mine.
As the little birdies fling seed to the ground willy nilly,
keeping the tastiest seed for themselves.
Instead of me arguing over some seed with the other birdies,
I will be having a conversation in my head with phantom students.
Yeah, you have to do this,
Because you need to grow your brain!
Yes, reading is good for you.
Yes, writing is good for you.
Yes, blogging is good for you too!
I'm desperate to find a way to get my students writing more.
I think blogging is the answer.
That is why I am writing everyday.
To show them how to do it.
Just do it.
Today, I sent my friend Tammy packing with
a lot to think about,
BBQ sausage and peppers in her tummy,
and a few good teacher books clutched close to her heart.
Oh, and a great big hug,
a hang in there,
and a "We'll talk real soon."
Lunch was way too short.
We didn't really get to catch up on much,
but next time
we will schedule more hours in the day
to say all the things that need to be said.
I am glad you spent your precious lunch hour with me.
See you in August.